Poster of CSDI Awards 2024

List of Finalists

Below is a list of the shortlisted groups (in no particular order) for participating in the Presentation Day and Awards Ceremony of the CSDI Awards 2024.

Category 1 - Primary School Category

Shortlisted Team
C1-6 Caleb
C1-8 花樣年華
C1-9 香港資優教育學苑
C1-12 星星戰隊
C1-13 Luke
C1-15 數據搜尋隊
C1-16 農圃道官立小學
C1-18 YCIS - Happy Aging
C1-19 墨尔本
C1-21 基德 P5 A組

Category 2 - Junior Secondary Category

Shortlisted Team
C2-7 A & B
C2-9 九龍三育中學初中組
C2-13 「蠔」在未來
C2-16 NPL2
C2-17 Team WFN
C2-18 Beyond the Blueprint
C2-21 Great Environment Officer GEO
C2-23 Da group
C2-28 GeoConnect
C2-32 大阪

Category 3 - Senior Secondary Category

Shortlisted Team
C3-4 九龍三育中學高中組
C3-6 SMS Team 1
C3-8 Vitalizers
C3-13 地理小子
C3-29 TSKers
C3-31 LPLSS A Team
C3-32 綠「識」回收

Category 4 - Open Category

Shortlisted Team
C4-10 Spatial Innovators
C4-13 Gen I
C4-23 GRM-PC-517
C4-35 Z Generation Walk
C4-43 Strolling with Data
C4-48 GISology
C4-50 The Aesthete
C4-67 Team Alba
C4-72 Rotaract Club of Kwai Chung