Open Category

Entry Requirements

  • Contestants can participate as an individual or in a team of 2 to 6 people.
  • Each contestant can only participate in one team.



Each participating unit will be required to submit a map-centric prototype that allows users to input data or interact with it, which then undergoes different processes to generate the desired output, addressing the user's needs or solving a problem. There are two phases in this category.

In Phase 1, participants will need to submit a proposal for developing a digital geospatial application, accompanied by a 1-minute video clip introducing the proposed application.

Upon progressing to Phase 2, which is the finalist stage, participants will demonstrate the feasibility of their proposed application by developing a prototype, and present to the judges on the Presentation Day.

Phase 1: Proposal Development



Prepare a proposal detailing a potential solution to address a challenge identified under the theme.

Introduce the proposal by a 1-minute video clip.



A presentation deck prepared using slideshows of no more than 10 pages (excluding appendix and references), detailing the following in either English or Chinese:

  • Key challenge(s) to be addressed
  • Proposed solution that addresses the challenge(s) (e.g., mobile application, web application, programme etc.)
  • Beneficiaries of the solution
  • Key spatial data to be used
  • Spatial data available at the CSDI portal should be used where appropriate
  • Explanation of how spatial data will be used
  • Key technology / tools to be adopted (e.g., GIS, IoT, VR or others)
  • Expected benefits of the solution

Shortlisting Criteria


All proposal submission will be reviewed using the following criteria. Eight proposal submissions will be shortlisted for the second phase.



Content (30%)

  • Alignment with and relevance to the theme
  • Clarity and completeness on the issues to be addressed
  • Application of any suitable spatial measure and analyses 
  • Demonstration of the excellent grasp of logic thinking when analysing identified issues

Use of spatial data and technology / tools (30%)

  • Provision of detailed explanations of the observed distribution pattern as shown on the maps
  • Exploitation of geospatial technology (e.g., GIS, BIM, 3D, VR, AR, iOT) on spatial data to address issues related to the theme 
  • Use of spatial data to support the identification of challenge(s)

Idea and creativity  (30%)

  • Identification of unmet demand / unserved policy purposes / new improvement opportunities
  • Demonstration of novel and creative ideas
  • Originality of the work or demonstration of inspiration from other cited resources

Bonus points (10%)

  • Citation of other research as evidence?
  • Overall storyline?
  • Description of future scalability

Phase 2: Development of Deliverable



Under the guidance of mentors, shortlisted contestants will be invited to turn their proposals into a map-centric prototype that allows users to input data or interact with it, which then undergoes different processes to generate the desired output, addressing the user's needs or solving a problem. The contestants will also have to submit presentation materials for evaluation. In addition, the contestants will have to present to the judges on the Presentation Day.



  • A deliverable whose functions and application of spatial data and technology tools (e.g., GIS, IoT, VR or others) are consistent with the proposal
  • A presentation deck prepared using slideshows of no more than 10 pages (including appendix, excluding references), detailing the following in either English or Chinese:
    • Product introduction, including:
      1. Focused city challenge(s)
      2. Spatial data and application approach adopted
      3. Technologies or tools adopted (e.g., GIS, IoT, VR or others)
      4. Expected benefits of the deliverable
    • Functions of the deliverable

Judging Criteria




Development process (20%)

  • Ability in bringing proposal to reality
  • Elaboration of ideas into functions
  • Ability to translate user requirements into functions 
  • Additional work performed in defining the functions, purposes and user requirements

Functionality with relevant use
of spatial data (20%)

  • Ability to demonstrate the appropriate use of spatial data from CSDI portal and other sources
  • Ability to perform the required tasks or analysis
  • Ability to address the key challenges / pain points identified in the proposal
  • Demonstration of how technology tools / solutions are adopted
  • Demonstration of potentials to become a POC (proof of concept) to prove its applicability and adaptability in real life application

Final presentation (20%)

  • Ability to present a compelling case for the deliverable
  • Creativity in presentation / demonstration
  • Demonstration of clear storyline
  • Explanation of the benefits and impact of the deliverable to the target users
  • Explanation of the scalability and long-term sustainability of the deliverable

Market potential / Public acceptance (20%)

  • Benefits and impacts
  • Social market impact
  • Benefits to users

Quality (20%)

  • Reliability and stability
  • User-friendly interface
  • Completeness and ability to execute the solution

Final Presentation and Award Ceremony

Shortlisted contestants will be informed individually and must make a presentation on their deliverables to the judges on the Presentation Day. The final ranking of the Awards will be announced on the Award Ceremony.

Presentation can be delivered using English, Cantonese or Mandarin.

Notes to finalists


The finalists in this Catergory will receive mentorship support, opportunities to showcase their works to industry leaders, and an exchange trip to Shanghai.